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compiled by bob ray | DECEMBER 28, 2022


The best exercise is a variety of exercises. I am not suggesting you become a triathlete. But doing 3 or more different sports or activities every week will reduce the chances of injury through overuse of one part of your body and improve the fitness of your whole body, not just certain parts. Exercises that take you to extreme exhaustion, like running a marathon, are hard on your body and immune system. You don’t have to go crazy to get fit.

Decorative Organic Blob Shape
Elderly joggers exercising outdoors

The best elements of exercise are

Movement of all muscles

Heavy breathing


Low impact on joints

Social commitment

Enjoyment and

Concentrated oxygen

No exercise has all these elements.

Walking is good, but it doesn’t include sweating and heavy breathing.

Jogging is better because it includes heavy breathing and sweating, but it can be hard on the joints.

Power walking is best because it can include sweating and heavy breathing and still be low impact.

But it may not have a social commitment (you can do it alone) and it doesn’t have concentrated oxygen. EWOT has concentrated oxygen, but it lacks social commitment. The exercise that has all the elements is sex with EWOT. But wearing an oxygen mask while having sex might spoil the mood.

EWOT (Exercise With Oxygen Therapy)

First put on the oxygen mask, then start breathing in thru the nose and out thru the mouth. Start with getting your heart rate up. It can be done with a stationary bike, elliptical machine, or treadmill. Or just do sit-ups and pushups. To get the full benefit you need to trick your DNA into thinking you are in an existential situation. Like a saber tooth tiger is running after you. This can reset your aging clock. Getting your heart rate up for a minute is followed by a minute of doing nothing but breathing oxygen. In through the nose, out through the mouth.

EWOT (Exercise With Oxygen Therapy)

Here is a brief summary of EWOT: 2nd minute do nothing but breath oxygen in thru the nose ot thru the mouth then "for the 3rd minute start with deep breaths twice for 5 seconds each, Hold the exhale on the 2nd deep breath for 10 seconds, then take a deep breath in and hold for 10 seconds.

Short quick breaths for 30 seconds, then 5 seconds to take a deep breath in and out, followed by another 5-second deep breath in and out and hold it for 10 seconds and finish with a deep breath in and hold for 10 seconds. Then start the cycle over. Do 4 cycles daily to lengthen your telomeres and reduce your dead and zombie cells.

That concludes the video on EWOT. The next paragraph on exercise will compare the various sports to determine the good, better, and best for longevity.

Tennis Rackets and Ball

Tennis might just be the best thing you can do to extend your life.

A study from Denmark, published by Peter Schnohr and colleagues, shows that playing tennis may extend your life by nearly 10 years. That's a remarkably big benefit, one that even the study authors were surprised at.

It's been well-established for a while now that exercise helps you live longer. For example, the Cardiovascular Health Study found that people over the age of 75 can expect to gain 1 to 1.5 years of healthy living by being active rather than sedentary. Other studies have looked at the effects of running or walking and found similar positive benefits.

The authors of the new study wanted to look at other sports activities, not just running. Using a large cohort of 20,000 healthy people in the Copenhagen City Heart Study, they identified 8,577 who were in the study from the early 1990s until 2017 and who met a variety of other criteria for inclusion.

This gave them 25 years of follow-up, long enough to ask the question: how does participation in sports affect life expectancy?

In particular, they looked at tennis, badminton, soccer, jogging, cycling, calisthenics, swimming, and health club activities (which included treadmills, ellipticals, and weights).

The bottom line: compared to a sedentary lifestyle, playing tennis extends one's life expectancy by 9.7 years. The other sports all provided benefits too, though tennis was the clear winner. Here's a summary:

Tennis: 9.7 years gain in life expectancy

Badminton: 6.2 years

Soccer: 4.7 years

Cycling: 3.7 years

Swimming: 3.4 years

Jogging: 3.2 years

Calisthenics: 3.1 years

Health club activities: 1.5 years

The authors didn't expect tennis to do so well, as you can see in this quote:

"Surprisingly, we found that tennis players had the longest expected lifetime among the 8 different sports."

For those who don't read scientific papers regularly, I should point out that the word "surprisingly" rarely gets past the editors unless the result truly is surprising. One part of the surprise is that spending more time exercising did not correlate with the greatest benefits. In fact, the cohort of people who spent the longest time on their exercise was the health club group, which showed the smallest increase in longevity.

One possible reason for tennis, badminton, and soccer doing so well are that out of the 8 sports studied, these are the ones that require 2 or more people and involve social interaction.

As the authors explain, "Belonging to a group that meets regularly promotes a sense of support, trust, and commonality, which has been shown to contribute to a sense of well-being and improved long-term health." Or it might be that the type of exercise you get in tennis – short bursts of activity rather than slow, steady plodding exercise – might be better for you. The authors noted that “short, repeated intervals of higher intensity exercise appear to be superior to continuous moderate-intensity physical activity for improving health outcomes."

Another reason tennis extends life better than other racket sports, which was not mentioned in this article, is the size of the playing field. A tennis court has at least 4 times the dimensions as courts for badminton, squash, racquetball, pickleball, or paddleball. This requires that players run further and take longer to retrieve balls and get back in position for the next point. In other words, more strenuous points and more recovery time.

If you're still skeptical, the only other study similar to this one, a very large study from Britain published last year, came to the same conclusion: racquet sports had the greatest benefit on all-cause mortality, followed by swimming and aerobics.

So, if you're not doing it already, take up tennis! It's easy to find clinics and teams at almost any level (in the U.S., that is), thanks to the thousands of local clubs and to the huge network of USTA leagues, with play ranging from beginners on up, and age groups up to 85 and even 90.

That's right, there are tennis leagues for the 90-and-over set. Maybe tennis players really do live longer.

I want to add a 4th reason why tennis did so well for anti-aging in the Danish study. "In Copenhagen, where the study was done, the surface for tennis is mostly clay. Clay is easier on the body than other racket sports' surfaces. Clay allows the player to slide to a stop rather than a jaring sudden stop. Plus the clay is softer, causing less stress on the joints.


Fitness women jumping on small trampolines

Everyone knows that trampolines are fun, but the Best Way To Get Fit & Lose Weight

Did you know they could be good for your health? Read on to see how. There are endless benefits to getting fit, and the positive effects can last a lifetime.

However, it is often hard to find the time needed in order to get fit, with work, family, and studying. But with trampolines being readily available in many homes, this could be the answer to your problems!

Keeping active is crucial for good health, but it can often be difficult to find time to exercise when you’re busy or have a hectic schedule. Research has shown that those who exercise on a regular basis are happier and healthier.

When you exercise in a fun, enjoyable, enjoyable environment, you enjoy doing it regularly; there’s a big chance of being more persistent with your workouts. This makes you much more likely to succeed in keeping fit!

With trampolines readily available around the world, this could be the answer for many people who need a way to be more active. Trampolines are also great for getting your heart rate up, which can help with weight loss.

Jumping on a trampoline is one of the most efficient ways to lose weight quickly and easily, as it uses up so much energy. You could burn anything from 250 calories per hour upwards – that’s equivalent to a 30-minute jog!

So if you are looking to get fit, but can’t seem to find the time, invest in a trampoline for your home and reap the benefits of increased fitness levels. With trampolines becoming more popular every year, there’s no better time than now to start getting super-fit and enjoying it!

Anyone that owns a trampoline will tell you that they are a great way to lose weight. This is because when you bounce on a trampoline, it burns calories quickly, and the more active you are, the more calories you will burn.

With some trampolines being able to hold up to 100 kilograms per jumping mat, depending on their construction, this means large people could be burning up to 1000 calories an hour or more!

If you want to burn off some weight, then a trampoline is definitely the way to do it.

Increases Circulation

All physical exercises provide a variety of benefits to the human body. Running, walking, and aerobics can help one lose weight. Playing football or basketball helps improve hand-eye coordination, while swimming is great for the lungs and cardiovascular system.

Every sport has its advantages, but if you want to exercise your circulatory system, then you should consider doing three things: walking regularly, running outdoors, and using a rebounder.

Based on an article published in Heart Monitor Magazine, regular exercise is essential to keep your heart healthy. The article said that at least 30 minutes of cardio activity per day would bring beneficial effects for your cardiovascular system.

If you want to know more about this, then you can read the whole article here. It is best to use a rebounder to exercise your circulatory system. A rebounder will help strengthen your leg and buttock muscles through prolonged jumping motions while strengthening the heart at the same time.

Before you jump up and down using your rebounder, make sure that your heart is ready for physical exercise. You can check this by putting ice on the tips of your fingers, and if they are no longer cold after several seconds, then it means that your heart is ready to perform an activity.

If you want better results from using a rebounder, drinking lots of water before and after your jumping sessions is recommended. By drinking lots of water on a regular basis, you will have no problems with dehydration, as most people think.

Dehydration can make you feel worse than you actually are, so if possible, drink at least 8 glasses of water daily to keep your body hydrated. If you want to have better blood circulation, then try these three methods and see the difference.

If not, at least give these activities a chance once per week and check if your body can feel the change in your circulatory system.

Builds Muscle Strength

When it comes to exercise, jumping on a trampoline is more beneficial than most people realize. It’s not just lifting weights at the gym that can help you get the body you want; exercising with trampolines are an excellent way to build muscle strength and burn calories fast.

Besides being a fun way to stay in shape, trampoline exercises make the body and mind stronger. The activity works every muscle in the body at once while promoting balance and coordination.

While there is a variety of trampolines available on the market today, the one that provides you with the greatest results is a rebounder. Trampoline exercises are not only great to develop muscle strength but they have been proven to burn 1000 calories every hour.

The best part is that you can work out on a trampoline at home in your own time. Since it doesn’t require any equipment, it’s convenient for anyone who has limited time and money.

Once you start to feel more confident, you will have the urge to do more advanced exercises on your trampoline. You can try jumping with one leg or even crossing your arms while in midair.

These types of exercises help develop muscles evenly throughout the entire body. However, these exercises are not for everyone. If you have back problems or if you suffer from joint-related issues, avoid doing hard jumps on the rebounder.

Instead of landing flat-footed when jumping off a trampoline, try landing with your feet slightly apart to reduce the stress on the knees.

Another way to build muscle strength while using a trampoline is by adding resistance bands when doing various jumping exercises.

This will increase your workout intensity and stimulate your heart rate, so you burn more calories. Although they can be expensive, it’s worth investing in some quality bands to create a variety of exercises.

If you are looking to build muscle strength with a trampoline, there is no better equipment out there than the rebounder. Not only will it help you shed off excess fat and build lean muscles, but it’s also fun to use.

You can even use it to work on your balance in the process. So when the weather gets scorching, hop on a trampoline and start exercising in an effortless way.

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copyright 2022 bob ray | edited by ariel