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Supplement pills

supplements and diet

written by bob ray | DECEMBER 27, 2022



I'm not a pharmacist. I am a sucker for every Doctor on the internet that claims that a certain pill will solve whatever problem I have.

I've tried enough to know which ones don't work.

The ones I present here don't hurt me and seem to be helping.

Let me start with the supplements that definitely work:

A Zinc Lozenge dissolving in my cheek, while I sleep, will stop the early stages of a sore throat and possibly knock down COVID-19 in it's early stages.

A B12 dissolved in my mouth will make me smarter and more focused for making videos.

So many doctors recommend a multi vitamin, that I have to believe that it actually works. So I take 'One A Day' once every day, of course.

Herbal Supplement Pills
Decorative Organic Blob Shape
Gel Capsules Food Supplement

I have divided the rest of the supplements into 3 categories:

1) Those that might help you live forever.

2) Those that keep you healthy.

3) Those that target a specific problem.

Resveratrol, derived from red wine. Might help you live longer.

Vitamin E, Boosts immune system.

Glutathione, Women take it to improve skin tone. I assume that if it helps the skin, it will help everything.

Basis by Elysium, Rejuvenates at the cellular level. Dr. David Sinclair (head of Aging Dept Harvard) is on their Board.

CoQ10, Good for the heart.

Ginger, Turmeric, Horse Radish, Green Tea pills for inflammation.

Probiotic for a healthy gut culture.

K2 + D3 pills, Dr. David Sinclair takes them.

Sunbathing for 15 minutes per day will give you all the Vitamin D you need. Unless you live above the Artic Circle.

Senolytic Activator, Cleans body of dead and zombie cells.

Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM, helps restore joints.

Astragalus, supports cardiovascular health and immune function.

NMN + NR, reverses aging at the cellular level.

Vitamin C, the more the merrier.

Grape Seed Extract, cleanse up dead and zombie cells.

QUERCETIN, Anti oxygen and Anti inflammatory

SPERMIDINE, Declines with old age, therefore increase reverses aging.

BERBERINE, only non-presciption drug that mimics the effects of medformin (a prescripion drug) which is used to treat diabetes type 2 and has shown the ability to extend life expectancy.

Methylene Blue, Might just be the magic silver bullet for living forever. I take it because Parkinson's disease is rampant on both my parents' sides of the family.

Methylene Blue can cross the brain barrier to reduce the likelihood of dementia, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. It also fights bacteria and viruses. However, it can destroy the good bacteria in your gut. So, periodically, you need to stop taking it and instead take a pro-biotic. To get the benefit of the probiotics in the yogurt it needs to be raw. Pasteurization kills the probiotics.

When taking supplements you need fat for the vitamins to be absorbed. Raw fat yogurt will not only make the supplements go down smoother, but make the supplement's more effective. Expensive urine is not the goal.


Unlocking the Secret: Age Defense with Supplements


​I am not a nutritionist. But what to eat and not eat is almost common knowledge. But, what is actually eaten by most people shortens their lives.

There are 4 types of food that should be the dominant part of a regular breakfast.

Fruits, Vegetables, Legumes(beans) and nuts.

Dark colored fruits and vegetables are better than light colored ones.

Same for beans. Walnuts are the best nuts for nutrician.

The following is what I have for breakfast:

Atlhetic Greens Powder: Dr David Sinclair takes it. That's all the reason I need

Red Apple: Delicious has most health benefits. Reduces chance of cancer an average of 20%

Green Tea: Kills cancer stem cells

Oatmeal: Lowers cholesterol and thus reduces heart disease

Cinnamon: lowers blood sugar plus antioxidant

Cocoa Powder Unsweetened: reduces heart disease, diabetes, protects DNA , improves gut bacteria

Raisins: improves digestion, reduces heart disease, fights cancer

Protein Powder Plant based: builds muscle

Peptide Powder: grows hair and nails and good for joints

Flax meal: provides fiber and omega 3 fatty acid

Olive oil: should be extra virgin cold pressed. provides immunity and fights cancer

Honey: Manuka Honey from New Zealand best. Slows telomere shortening

Walnuts: best of all nuts at killing cancer stem cells

Soy Milk: of all the fake milks it is best for preventing breast cancer and keeping arteries open. Can reduce libido in men.

Blue Berries: Absolute best antioxidant

and Wheat Germ because it contains spermidine.

Most people eat too much and too often. A solid breakfast and late lunch are all you need. Eating before bedtime is bad for sleep. ​

You should allow 5.5 hours between meals.

Don't eat two hours before going to bed.

Cook the evening meal in a crock pot.

Slow, low temperature cooking is better for you than high temperature cooking. Poached and stewed are better than fried, grilled, flamed etc.

Decorative Organic Blob Shape
Diet Food


Anti-Aging Dinner Ideas

What I Eat for Breakfast (Part2): A Guide to Healthy Breakfast Options

copyright 2022 bob ray | edited by ariel